
How To Make Money On Pinterest 2019


This post may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure policy for more information.

Are you wondering how to make money on Pinterest? ðŸ˜®

You were probably searching for how to earn money using Pinterest  or how to make money on Pinterest , weren't you? Or maybe you were intrigued by the idea of making money on Pinterest.

I'm sure you've heard a lot of bloggers and online influencers harp on this a lot! Like me, you probably ignored the idea because you didn't think it would be possible to make money on Pinterest.

I don't blame you for being skeptical because I was too!

Whenever I came across any articles that taught people how to make money online, I always thought that none of them were true. But after learning and experimenting with those ideas, I realized that earning money online is, in fact, a real thing!

You can even see a couple of screenshots for proof here:

$48,685.18 from just ONE source (which I talk more about later):

$31,255.47just from displaying ads on my blog:

I also show my progress on how I went from earning my first $500 using Pinterest as a total beginner to my goal of over $10K per month in less than 2 years.

I know you're really excited to learn more, so let's talk more about monetizing with Pinterest today!

How to make money on Pinterest 2021

When I first used Pinterest to pin my favorite home décor and DIY crafts to my boards, I had no idea that you could make money online using Pinterest. The thought never crossed my mind because I was just a normal user looking for something beautiful, relevant, helpful, and inspiring.

Where else would I have gotten the idea to make money by flipping furniture for a profit? From DIY Pinterest content creators!

Beyond all of what I just said, I soon learned that Pinterest is a search engine (NOT a social media) where users look for inspiration and solutions to their problems.

This is where making money on Pinterest becomes possible for you and I'm going to go through everything you'll want to know about earning money with Pinterest!

How much money can you make on Pinterest?

how to make money on pinterest

Your time is valuable, so is it worth your time to learn monetizing strategies to make money on Pinterest?

How would you react if I told you that you could make $20, $50, $100, or even more than $200 per day on Pinterest?

And nope, these side hustle ideas don't require experience at all.

I personally started with absolutely no experience but eventually learned how to earn money with Pinterest during my spare time to make money online!

Overall, how would that extra cash help you? Would it help you pay off some debt, stop living paycheck to paycheck, or put a bit extra towards your vacation savings fund?

I know some peeps like making quick and easy money with the best survey sites like Survey Junkie because it's fast and completely free to use. I personally like it too for the extra $20 to $50 a month! 😊

But the money you earn with the top online survey sites is nowhere near the potential you can make with Pinterest!

Wherever your imagination takes you, I'm here to tell you thatmaking money with Pinterest is possible!

Step-by-step guide: How to make money on Pinterest

TIPS: This guide is fairly detailed so you may want to bookmark this page and come back to it if you can't finish it today.

There are two popular ways to make money on Pinterest.

One way is to start a money-making blog (my top recommendation), and the other method doesn't require a blog, which I talk more about later on.

In either case, you don't need any experience to start!

I, myself, started with NO experience and was able to eventually make over $5,000 per month at my own pace within the first year (I will mention later that I struggled for many months before making my first $1,000)!

UPDATE: Though earnings can be volatile, it completely blows my mind that I am making OVER $10,000 now $20,000 per month just by driving free traffic to my blog using Pinterest! 😲

And trust me, I'm not special in any way!

In fact, I had A LOT of self-doubts because I always thought you had to be either really tech-savvy or a great writer to start a blog and make money on Pinterest. But no, this is far from the truth!

As long as you have basic computer skills such as typing (which most of us do in 2021) AND you have a strong willingness to learn and actually implement what I'm about to say, then you are ready to start using Pinterest to your advantage.

Before we dive into the other methods, let's first talk about how to make money with Pinterest with a blog. This is one of the best and most rewarding options in my honest opinion!

How I make money on Pinterest with a blog

Just like you, I always thought I'd be working the traditional 9-5 job for the rest of my life!

It wasn't until I discovered that bloggers were making extra money or even earning a full-time income with Pinterest that led me to try this out myself.

And TA-DA!

Here I am… writing about my own personal experience on how I make money on Pinterest in less than a year!

Thinking back, I'm VERY glad that I took the leap of faith and tried the idea of starting a blog because it allowed me to earn a full-time income from home and leave my cubicle life behind for good. I'm now able to live the life I always wanted and focus on things that are important to me — spending quality time with my family and friends and creating happy memories.

To be totally transparent, I struggled for many months and learned a ton before making my first $1,000.

I only tell you this because I don't want you to think this is some sleazy "get rich quick" scheme. It will require work and effort, but your earnings potential will be unlimited!

I know you're super excited about this opportunity, so let's get right into it!

Are you excited to learn how to make money on Pinterest with a blog?

Are you a beginner and don't know where to start? Join my FREE 7-day course where I will teach you how to start your profitable blog the right way!

Today, I'm consistently earning over six-figures per year with my very small blog and I want to teach you how I did it in less than 2 years.

I like keeping things real — I have to admit that I'm NOT an expert (and I don't claim to be one), but I can offer you valuable tips and share my experience so you can avoid making mistakes as a brand new blogger.

In my free e-mail course, I will guide you from starting your blog to growing your Pinterest traffic and making your first income online!

This is the course I wish I had when I first started my blog! 🙂

1. Start a blog for really cheap!

I highly recommend starting a self-hosted blog with THIS web hosting company before you learn how to make money on Pinterest.

It is really cheap to invest in a web hosting plan plus you get a FREE domain name ($15 value) when you sign up through this special link here and go for at least the 12-month plan.

I personally started my blog with them too when I was a beginner and wanted to give blogging a try.

I know you might be thinking of starting a blog for free on or Blogger, but DO NOT go that route!

It would be near impossible to make money when you sign up for a free blog because no one will take you seriously.

On top of that, applying to ad networks and affiliate programs will be extremely tough. So believe me, you will want to start your blog the correct way by following my easy step-by-step tutorial here. You will thank yourself for doing this!

🌟 SPECIAL NOTE: I 'm super excited to let you know that you can start your blog with Bluehost for as low as $2.95 USD/month when you use this exclusive link here. That's over 60% off regular pricing. Plus, when you sign up for at least the 12-month plan, will receive a FREE domain name ($15 value)!

I really don't know when this exclusive special ends so take advantage of this offer before it's gone.

If you're interested and would like to learn more, you can visit my tutorial,How To Start a Blog here.👈

2. Write relevant and helpful content.

Now that you've started a blog, write 5-10 blog posts related to your niche that will solve your readers' problems.

Before you start writing, take a step back and figure out who your target audience is.

I always recommend choosing something you enjoy talking about.

Don't choose a topic just because you think it will make money. Sure, it may work out, but can you really keep writing about something you don't have a genuine interest in?

The last thing you want is your blog to feel like a chore.

This diagram will help you determine what you can write about while solving your readers' problems.

  • Passion: I'm not going to tell you to quit your job and chase your passions without any financial support. But what would you do with your life if you were financially independent? I know this is tough to answer, so this free personality test is amazing and can help you figure it out as long as youanswer truthfully!
  • Skills: What are you good at? What do you usually get compliments on?
  • Market demand: What are people searchingA LOT for on Google and Pinterest? I recommend using SEMrush for some guidance. Billions of people out there want answers and solutions to their problems!

Remember that readers need your help with something. Most of them aren't here to read about your problems. When they land on your page, they will subconsciously ask:

"What's in it for me?"

Your ideal spot is to hit all these 3 elements (passion, skills, and market demand)!

I know it's easier said than done, but if you really put the time and effort into figuring this out, you will be rewarded!

💡PRO TIP: You don't have to be an expert in your field to be considered skilled. For example, you could document your learning journey and teach others your mistakes and what you've learned. Lessons add a ton of value to your readers (as long as it's what people are searching for A LOT)!

3. Set up a Pinterest business account.

Start your Pinterest journey and take your first step monetizing Pinterest by signing up for a business Pinterest account. This is 100% free to sign up for and use.

Once that's done, follow the instructions here to claim your website on Pinterest. Trust me, it's idiot-proof. They make it fast and easy to follow their step-by-step instructions!

💡PRO TIP: Make sure to include relevant keywords in your profile bio. This will allow users to find you more easily.

4. Create Pinterest boards and pins.

Now you can start creating boards and making pins for your Pinterest account. I recommend using Canva to make pins when you're a beginner. The service is free and easy to use.

Like your bio description from step #3, make sure to sprinkle relevant keywords into your personal boards and pin descriptions. By the way, when I say "sprinkle" I don't mean keyword stuffing! In the past, I've made the mistake of stuffing keywords in my pins. It's no wonder why I wasn't getting any traffic when I first started. Without any traffic to my blog, there was no way for me to make money on Pinterest, so don't make the same mistake!

Example of keyword stuffing that you should try to avoid:

Example of a conversational description that sprinkles targeted and relevant keywords:

5. Join group boards and make new personal boards every month.

When you read other bloggers' posts on how they increased their Pinterest traffic by over 1,500% and made money on Pinterest, they will harp a lot on joining group boards. You'll hear:


I assume these posts haven't been updated after Pinterest made changes earlier this year.

Though I still recommend joining group boards that are relevant to your niche, I've heard from established bloggers that Pinterest has shifted their focus to personal boards. In addition to that, Pinterest favors smaller group boards (relevant to your niche) with fewer contributors.

With that said, focus on making new personal boards while joining some high-quality group boards with fewer contributors.

💡PRO TIP: Another alternative to joining group boards is to start using Tailwind Communities. This will allow you to upload your pins to each tribe (like a group board) where members will share them. Aside from the Communities feature, I also use Tailwind to schedule my pins to both group boards and my own personal boards. Since using Tailwind, my traffic increased from 500 to over 1,500 daily page views (sometimes hitting as high as 4,000 per day)!

How to make money on Pinterest with a blog

This is the moment you've been waiting for!

You are now ready to learn how to make money on Pinterest after you've mastered the following:

  • Wrote 5-10 epic blog articles related to your niche that is inspiring and/or solves a problem.
  • Signed up for a Pinterest business account and verified your domain.
  • Created eye-catching pins with clickable images and titles with these easily editable Pinterest Canva Templates here. I use these templates myself and I'd love to share my designs with you! Today, Pinterest is all about sending out new content and pins to get traffic. And because of my ready-to-go pin templates, I'm able to easily make 150 pins in ONLY 30 minutes to put my blog traffic on autopilot!
  • Joined a minimum of 10 group boards and made 10 personal boards related to your niche.
  • Optimized your bio profile, boards, and pins by sprinkling relevant keywords throughout.

Here are 2 ways you can start making money on Pinterest after having your blog and Pinterest account set up!

1. Drive traffic to your blog.

make money online using Pinterest

Pinterest traffic is honestly a new blogger's BFF! When you have a new blog or website, I recommend focusing your efforts on Pinterest! It's definitely a lot easier and faster to get traffic from Pinterest than Google when your website is new.

When Pinterest is used correctly and consistently, you can drive a lot of traffic to your blog and make money through display advertising.

Again, you need to write blog posts that are helpful to your readers!

Depending on how many ads you put and which ad network you're with, you can potentially make between $6 to $20 per 1,000 page views each day.

How to make money on Pinterest with Adsense:

Yes, you can make money with Pinterest by displaying ads on your blog with Google Adsense.

When you're a brand new blogger, I recommend applying to Google Adsense because they do not require you to have a minimum amount of page views.

However, they are not the best way to make money since they pay you very little. I used to be with Google Adsense and made roughly $50 to $200 per month with 10,000 to 40,000 monthly page views.

Don't get me wrong, I was still happy as a new blogger (I am still new and learning). But we all have to start somewhere!

I personally used Google Adsense, and you can actually check out how I earn money online from using Google as a beginner.

Aside from Adsense, there are other ad networks you can apply to when you're a new blogger:


MyFinance (great for bloggers in the personal finance and money niche)

Display ads with Mediavine:

I switched from Google Adsense to Mediavine after hitting 25,000 monthly sessions back in July. It takes 3-4 weeks to make the switch.

Mediavine requires your blog to be at least 3-4 months old with a minimum of 25,000 monthly sessions (~$30,000 page views).

As I increased my Pinterest traffic to my blog a few months after July, I started earning a passive income online of at least $1,000+ USD per month by displaying ads like the one you see here…

I definitely saw a HUGE improvement in ad earnings once I made the switch from Google Adsense to Mediavine!

See below for my results…

Before: Using Pinterest and Google Adsense Method

As you can see, I used to make on average $5 to $10 per day from ~1,800 daily page views from Pinterest using Google Adsense.

After: How I make money with Mediavine using ads

I officially became a member of Mediavine on August 17. As you can see below, I was able to make $348.39 in 9 days (August 17 to August 25)!

In a day with 1,800 page views, I would make ~$25 per day with Mediavine. There was even one time where I made $71 in a day when I reached 4,000 daily page views!

My earnings improved by 300% because I was able to drive traffic to my blog by using Pinterest!

🌟UPDATE: Monthly earnings are volatile, but it surprises me that I make over $4,000 per month just with display advertising alone. It doesn't even include the other ways I make money with my blog. The pin templates that I perosnally made and use has been a total game changer to my Pinterest traffic! ❤️

how to make money on Pinterest ads

Because of the results that I was seeing with this blog, Finsavvy Panda, I started a second blog to replicate my traffic results, and here is proof that I am earning IN ADDITION to this blog here by purely monetizing with display ads – $4,643.71. Again, this doesn't include the other methods I use to make money with my blog:

make money on pinterest with blog mediavine

How To Get Pinterest Traffic To Your Blog

To be very honest, I was able to increase my traffic and earn money on Pinterest because I invested my time to learn how Pinterest works.

After learning how to use Pinterest and pinning out my pins and images with these 30 Pin Savvy Templates, my traffic skyrocketed from 0 to 18,000 and now consistently OVER 100,000 monthly page views!

I started using Pinterest as a traffic source and after implementing the Pinterest strategies necessary to get visits to my blog, I was able to apply for Mediavine and increase my ad revenue by over 300%! In other words, I went from making ~$6 per day (Google Adsense) to ~$25 per day (Mediavine) when I was a beginner.

When stated in terms of months, that's $180 per month (Google Adsense) vs. $750 per month (Mediavine).

As of today, those monthly advertising earnings with Mediavine increased substantially as you saw in my screenshot above.

With that said, you can tell me whether investing in a few Pinterest resources is worth the small investment!

💡PRICELESS TIP: Don't be afraid to invest in the right blogging education. There's no such thing as 100% guaranteed returns (nothing in life is guaranteed). But think about how much money you spend at concerts, going out with friends, and on the daily Starbucks lattes. What's a small investment worth to you? I've said this many times and I will say it again. Investing in yourself is the best investment you could ever make!

It's not the Bitcoin, weed stock or penny stock that are the best investments…

"The best investment you can make is in yourself" — Warren Buffett, multi-billionaire investor.

Related blog income report posts on how I make money using Pinterest:

You can take a look at my blog income reports below where I write about my blogging progress as a brand new blogger.

This includes information on how I switched from Google Adsense to Mediavine, my Mediavine income reports, how I increased my affiliate earnings, and overall the things I learned as a new blogger when I was using Pinterest to make money online!

Just like you, I had NO experience and started from scratch!

  • Updated Blog Income Report November 2020 – $22,343.23
  • How I Became a Full-Time Blogger Earning Over $10,000 Per Month
  • February blog income report – $7,498.94
  • January blog income report – $6,790.93
  • December blog income report – $6,840.01 (I Finally Left My Job)
  • November blog income report – $5,532.13 (Happy 1 Year To My Blog)
  • October blog income report – $4,798.01
  • September blog income report – $4,509.50
  • August blog income report – $2,797.64
  • My First Blog Income Report – $703.57 (I Struggled Many Months Before Writing My First Blog Income Report)

2. How to make money on Pinterest with affiliate links.

On top of making money with Adsense or Mediavine, you can also make money on Pinterest using affiliate links. This is also known as the affiliate marketing strategy.Learning how to use affiliate marketing on Pinterest to make money can make a huge difference to your earning potential!

There are two ways to doing that — with and without a blog.

I'm going to first talk about how to achieve this using the blog method. Again, this is my preferred method because it has worked well for me.

First of all, what is affiliate marketing? And how can you make money on Pinterest with affiliate marketing?

If you're new to this concept, affiliate marketing is just recommending products that you love and/or believe will add value to your audience.

After they make a purchase through your affiliate link, you earn a small commission without any additional cost to the buyer. In other words, you get rewarded by providing value and/or solving someone's problem through a product or service.

First, let's talk about how to make money on Pinterest by driving traffic to your blog posts that have affiliate links.

This first approach is my favorite way to make money because, for one, you earn from display advertising by getting traffic; and secondly, you earn from potential affiliate sales when you offer a solution to your readers' problems.

For example, you can create and promote a pin like this one here that teaches readers how to save money on food which includes affiliate links in the blog post. You can learn more about affiliate marketing and what affiliate links are in this post here.

💡PRO TIP: Use Canva to make pretty pins that will drive massive traffic to your blog post with affiliate links. I use the free version and it's more than enough for beginners.

Here is real proof you can make money on Pinterest with affiliate links by starting a blog

When I was still a beginner, I made over $1,000 from Pinterest using affiliate marketing, so here I show you examples of two different affiliate networks that I'm still currently with. I'm earning money from many other affiliate programs, but I only show these two for illustration purposes to help beginners like you see the possibilities!

Awin network:

FlexOffers network:

Once you have your blog set up with 5 to 10 posts, you can start applying to affiliate networks such as Awin and FlexOffers (shown above).

After you get accepted into affiliate networks, you can start applying to a wide range of companies and promote their products and services on your blog.Again, only promote things that you genuinely believe in and will help your audience!

🌟 UPDATE: Here is a quick screenshot of how much I earned with just ONE affiliate network — $48,685.18! This doesn't even include the money I earned from display advertising or the other affiliate networks and programs I work with.

How I make over $10,000 per month with affiliate links by driving Pinterest traffic

To learn more about affiliate marketing and how to monetize your blog properly, visit this post on how to make money with affiliate marketing for bloggers.

This post is a full guide on how you can start making money with affiliate marketing once you've started your blog!

Because I took the courage to start this blog, I was able to quit my job within a year to become a full-time blogger! This is something I genuinely enjoy doing! And honestly speaking, I never expected this to happen before I knew what Pinterest or blogging was!

Now, I am consistently earning $10,000+ per month ALONE with affiliate marketing after implementing the proper affiliate marketing strategies.

In my highest earning months, I am able to make over $15,000 ALONE with affiliate marketing. Including the income from display ads with Mediavine, that allows me to earn even more with my small blog, which completely blows my mind!

Now, in the next few sections, I am going to answer the most commonly-asked questions about Pinterest followers and whether or not that will help you make money on Pinterest. I write about my actual experience and you may be surprised, but excited to hear that you don't need a lot of followers on Pinterest to make money.

I hope you find the next sections helpful. And don't forget to save and bookmark this article about how to earn on Pinterest so you can come back and reference it! 🙂

How many followers do you need on Pinterest to make money?

There is a huge misconception that the more followers you have on Pinterest, the more money you'll make. This is a myth because more followers do NOT always mean more money!

I've seen a lot of Pinterest business accounts with hundreds of thousands of followers (e.g. more than 10,000 or even 20,000 followers), but they don't make a lot of money. Some may not even make any money!

On the other hand, I've also seen accounts with 3,000, or even less than 1,000 followers who earn good money by using Pinterest and drive traffic back to their blog or page. These bloggers or business owners use various monetization methods such as display ads, affiliate marketing, writing sponsored content, and/or selling their own digital products.

I remember when I was a beginner and new to using Pinterest, I was able to earn my first few hundred dollars a month with less than 1,000 followers. Within a few to several months after this that, I worked hard and grew my earnings to over $3,000 per month with less than 2,000 Pinterest followers! During that time, I was still considered a new blogger using Pinterest, so it's indeed possible for you to do it too.

If you're a beginner at using Pinterest, and you're trying to grow your followers, this is what you need to always keep in mind.

Attract high-quality traffic and the right people to monetize using Pinterest

It all comes down to attracting high-quality traffic (also known as the right audience or people) to your content and/or the products you're promoting on Pinterest.

Attracting the right audience means you are bringing them to your blog post, video, or page that will immediately solve a specific problem they are currently struggling with.

Of course, the more followers you have, the higher the chances you may be able to leverage your authority and make more money by using Pinterest as your traffic source. Although your number of followers doesn't translate to how much income you can earn, it doesn't hurt to naturally grow your Pinterest followers over time.

How do you get 1,000 followers on Pinterest?

Growing your Pinterest followers to your first 1,000 won't happen overnight.

When you're new and just starting out, I don't recommend focusing on counting your numbers of followers on Pinterest. That will just distract you from creating quality content and gaining quality followers. Remember, you want to attract the right followers, and not just any random follower for the sake of boosting your Pinterest numbers.

From my real and personal experience, you are better off with 900 followers who are true supporters compared to 10,000 followers who don't even care about what you have to say, but they're following you on Pinterest just for the sake of following you.

When you attract the right followers who are actually genuinely interested in you and your recommendations, you'll stand a higher chance of making money with your blog by targeting the right audience. This is more intentional, and you'll build more meaningful relationships that way.

Grow your Pinterest followers from scratch and make money over time

After seeing great results with my first Pinterest account, Finsavvy Panda, which has over 20,000 followers, I decided to create a brand-new blog along with a new Pinterest account to diversify my blogging income online.

With that new blog and Pinterest account, I did NOT focus on the number of followers because as mentioned earlier, this number doesn't actually matter and it doesn't translate to how much you earn.

So, instead, this is what I did to grow my first 1,000 followers on Pinterest within 7-8 months with my newer blog and account WITHOUT leveraging my first Pinterest account. This number will just naturally grow at a faster rate over time when you keep pinning and creating new content on your blog.

First, start a new blog, and post valuable content or blog posts regularly to build your brand and gain trust.

If you're a complete beginner, you'll want to follow everything taught in this ebook step-by-step, The Treasure Map To Blogging Success in 30 Days, to help you build your new blog from scratch and get it up and running as quickly as possible. This ebook is a detailed profitable roadmap for your blog and it will teach you how to get started on the right foot.

On top of that, make sure you promote your blog posts by creating beautiful and eye-catching Pinterest pin images like these ones here.

Once you've created your pin images, attach the link to your blog post and save (or pin) them to your relevant Pinterest boards. In order to get Pinterest followers and traffic to your blog, you need to promote your articles.

While you promote or pin or save your images using your Pinterest account (which links directly to your blog posts), I highly recommend creating new content at least once a week. Once that new blog post is published, don't forget to promote that on Pinterest along with your older articles.

I personally wrote one blog post each week when I first started so that I could build up a collection of articles over time. It's good to add one article each week to your collection so that you have more content to promote on Pinterest as time goes by.

Today, I don't write as much, but instead, I promote all my timeless and evergreen articles that I wrote a few years ago.

You will need to come up with a pinning strategy and be consistent over time to see your followers grow naturally over time.

How do I get noticed on Pinterest?

As mentioned earlier, building a successful blog and a solid Pinterest account doesn't happen overnight, so it will take time to gain followers and get noticed on Pinterest.

Make sure to follow my tips from the section above on how to get 1,000 followers on Pinterest.

On top of that, while you're creating your blog and building your Pinterest account, I recommend following other Pinterest accounts within your blog niche that are more established and have higher authority than yours.

That way, this will also give Pinterest an idea of what your blog or Pinterest account is about (e.g. sewing, home décor, personal finance, budgeting, travel, etc.). When Pinterest has an idea of what your account is about, it will recommend other users and pinners who are interested in those topics to follow you, hence growing your followers naturally over time.

How to make money on Pinterest without a blog

Up until now, I talked about how you can make money on Pinterest with a blog.

It's totally fine if you're not interested in starting a blog. You can still learn how to make money on Pinterest without a blog!

Here are 3 ways to achieve this! 🙂

1. How to use affiliate links on Pinterest without a blog or website.

Aside from making money on Pinterest by driving traffic to your blog with affiliate links, you can also make money by inputting the affiliate link directly into your Pinterest pin. This affiliate link will lead the Pinterest users straight to the product or service.

So, yes, you can still make money with affiliate marketing on Pinterest without a blog. However, I still recommend starting one because a blog gives you so much more flexibility!

Also, beware of this approach because some companies don't allow you to use direct affiliate links on Pinterest pins, such as Amazon.

So, research this before you plan to add any affiliate links to your pins that lead users directly to the product's landing page.

I personally don't use this method because I enjoy talking about the product on my blog where readers can get more info about it.

I also feel that the blog approach converts better (that's just my personal opinion) but things work differently for different people.

I suggest you test out what works best for you! When using the direct affiliate marketing on Pinterest, be sure to disclose your affiliate relationship by using hashtags such as #affiliate or #affiliatelink in your pin description.

2. How to pin on Pinterest for money by becoming a virtual assistant.

When I was researching about making money on Pinterest, I found that a lot of people were asking questions like:

Can you get paid to pin on Pinterest?

How can I make money pinning on Pinterest?

The answer is you WON'T get paid directly from Pinterest for pinning on the platform, but you can earn money by helping a business owner manage their Pinterest account, which may involve some pinning activity.

With that said, aside from the ideas of starting a blog and driving traffic using Pinterest, or using affiliate links on Pinterest, you can also make money on Pinterest by becoming a Pinterest Virtual Assistant (VA).

Now, how does that sound? Get paid to become a VA and pin on Pinterest! 🙂

A lot of professional bloggers and online influencers may not have the time to set up and manage their Pinterest accounts. This is where you come in to add value to their business!

Pinterest is an extremely powerful tool that can drive traffic and generate revenue for bloggers and companies. If you're willing to put in the effort to learn the ins and outs of the platform (or perhaps you're already a Pinterest expert), then becoming a VA is a great option to make money with Pinterest!

Pinterest VAs can make up to $50 per hour depending on their experience. Even with NO experience, it's never too late to learn how to master those skills!

3. Market your own products on Pinterest to sell.

Similar to starting an Etsy store, you can also sell your products and services on Pinterest. Here are the following items you can sell that will help you make money on Pinterest:

  • courses
  • e-books
  • printables
  • furniture
  • home decor items
  • clothing and accessories

The possibilities are endless! You can even market your consulting services on Pinterest by linking your pins back to your website.

As mentioned above, you can also create pins with Canva and use affiliate marketingon Pinterest to sell other people's products and services that will benefit your target audience.

Over to you — readers, are you ready to make money on Pinterest? With or without a blog, it's up to you! If you're interested in starting a profitable blog, you can feel free to check outmy step-by-step instructions on how to start one! It's time to learn how to monetize with Pinterest!

How I make money from my blog (mostly from Pinterest)

When I first started this blog and was learning how to make money using Pinterest, I documented my journey as a beginner.

These blog income reports are a true reflection of me as a newbie blogger who knew absolutely nothing about making money online or Pinterest. I sincerely hope my beginning journey will inspire you to learn more about monetizing with Pinterest:

  • Blog Income Report: How I Made $22,343.23 Blogging in November 2020
  • How To Become a Full Time Blogger (I Made Over $10,000 a Month)
  • January Blog Income Report: How I Made $6,840.01 in January (The month I quit my job!)😲
  • December Blog Income Report: How I Made $6,840.01
  • November Blog Income Report: How I Made $5,532.13 in November (My 1 year blogiversary)😊
  • October Blog Income Report: How I Made $4,798.01 in October
  • September Blog Income Report: How I Made $4,509.50 in September
  • How I Made $2,797.64 Blogging in August (300% Increase from July)!
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How To Make Money On Pinterest 2019


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