Are y'all ugly? Thousands of people ask this every day. It comes as no surprise then, to find out that one of the most popular questions entered into our search bars on our phones was 'Am I Ugly?'

In fact, if you lot blazon "am I" into Google, the first suggestion that is offered to y'all is "am I ugly?"

Attitudes towards appearance are i of the main reasons why people are being bullied. In fact, in Ditch the Characterization's 2019 Annual Bullying Survey, 59% of immature people said that their appearance was the reason they were bullied.

This is not a new question. Unobtainable beauty ideals have us questioning our self-worth, based on our advent, on a daily ground probably since the get-go of humanity.

For example in Aboriginal Greece, dazzler standards were that men had to be buff and glossy, while women were seen as almost attractive when they had red hair and a fuller-figured body. While during Victorian times, a stake face with rosy cheeks was seen equally the nearly 'beautiful'. These ideals and standards have inverse many times over the past 1000s of years.

In 2013, a YouTube tendency emerged called "Am I Ugly or Pretty?" whereby, teen girls uploaded videos of themselves asking viewers exactly that. Following this, the net answered the question in all its strength and pulled no punches.

Even in 2022, these questions are often asked on places such as Instagram, Reddit and TikTok.

@davidpostman ♬ original sound – sidthesciencedik

This question is i that matters and is something that nearly all of usa will ask ourselves at some point during our lives.

So, let'due south reply information technology!

Are you ugly or pretty?

Am I ugly because people keep saying it to me?

No, the danger is when you are called ugly plenty times you beginning to believe it might exist true.

Am I ugly because I'm unmarried?

No, you are not single because you are ugly, and being in a relationship doesn't make yous cute.

Am I ugly because I go along thinking most it?

No, so please cease telling yourself you are, our thoughts very quickly go our reality.

Am I ugly because I was dumped?

No, you were Non dumped because you lot are ugly, the relationship ended and that's ok – give yourself some time and space to heal.

Am I ugly because I'm looking different?

No, your body is just changing and you are still growing into it.

Am I ugly considering I take bad skin?

No, having bad peel does not brand you unattractive and is totally normal.

Am I ugly because I don't look equally pretty as a model?

No, information technology's ok to not expect like a model. Turns out they are the simply ones that do and they make up a teeny tiny amount of the population.

Am I ugly considering I'yard big?

No, your dress size does non determine your beauty, example in betoken: Tess Holiday.

Am I ugly because my friends keep saying so?

No, they are telling y'all that considering they are scared that they aren't skilful enough and have their own fears of being ugly, this doesn't have to exist your fear as well.

Am I ugly considering I experience it?

No, your self-esteem has just gotten a little besides depression and needs rebuilding, have a look at our support guide for tips on how to begin rebuilding your cocky-confidencehere.

Am I ugly compared to everyone else?

No, when we compare ourselves nosotros always come up off feeling worse, to compare is to despair then finish comparing.

Am I ugly because I am fatty?

No, your weight is how much your body physically weighs total stop. Every unmarried object, mineral, plant or fauna on this planet has a weight. It is what we as humans equate with this number that forces us to connect beauty with weight. At that place is no such thing as a 'beautiful weight' or an 'ugly weight.' There is a healthy weight and that is different for anybody.

Am I ugly because I was rejected?

No, everyone experiences rejection in all its painful forms and information technology does not make you unattractive. Looking for ways to deal with rejection?

Am I ugly?

No, even if you have never ever felt anything but ugly your whole life right up until now that is withal not proof that you lot are. Hither's the secret and I know because I am talking from experience, just like happiness it is all an inside chore. And so if you want to start changing how y'all experience we accept some tips to help you start hither.

So does that answer the question of your attractiveness? Because there is no answer. We can never tell what is 'ugly' and what is 'beautiful' considering the meaning of these terms has been changing since nosotros showtime started communicating with one another.

If y'all aren't feeling great about your appearance correct now and need someone to talk to, Ditch the Label is hither for you. Join our community and talk to us here.